Friday, 20 February 2015


The story begin when AS going for finish my project assignment at library .  Because lot of thing to do with that project, we discussing until mid night and after AS was back from library around 2am. the way back home im feel sleepy and cant focus that time. Just thinking to get a sleep. AS used bicycle  as my main transport at Uni... When AS just enter the junction at my house its just look fine and same like always.. but i cant find my house and AS been cycling for almost 5 to 10 minutes and the first junction that i has been enter look far away already. So AS turn back to the first junction to start over. with little bit pray im cycling back, it make me little bit scared and AS just arrive safe at my house. thanks god show the way back home....  

-my house in the middle of palm oil plantation.. it only took a minute from the junction usually 


  1. uwaaaaaa...seram nye.... tp rsnya sy pernah dgr crite nih.....

  2. mengantuk sgt tu kottt hehe
